Hello, faire friend!

Who - Sara Mariah
What - Leather Crafter | Cosplayer | Equestrian | Tea Enthusiast
When - Since 2019
Where - Northeast Georgia
Why - “It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” - Gabriel García Márquez

My goal has always been to weave a little fun and fantasy into daily life, even before I began leather crafting. When I started leather crafting, I knew I wanted to make cool things like armor or accessories for Renaissance faires and other such events, but I decided to add in more common things like wallets, belts, and purses that also have a bit of a medieval or fantasy flair, too. So, while you can find cool costume accessories in my shop, you can also find everyday items ready to help you live your life fantastically.



When did you start leather crafting?

Technically I started leather crafting in high school, probably 2008 or 2009 though I can’t remember for sure. My friend Alison got me into it and I have fond memories of tooling together in her garage after school or on the weekends. I still have the first tooled belt I ever made, though the paint is a bit faded now. Then I went to college, joined the horse show teams, and pretty much forgot about leather crafting until I’d left Texas for Georgia. I was having a hard time adjusting after the move and I felt like I needed something to do in my spare time. I didn’t (and still don’t) have a horse to ride and there aren’t any lesson barns in my area, so I decided to pick up the tools again. Now, I can’t wait to get back in the saddle and put together badass horseback cosplays. Imagine the B-roll footage!

When did you start sewing?

So there’s this running joke with me that whenever I touch a sewing machine, it breaks. Been that way since 6th grade home economics when I first learned to sew a pillow. So what does my boyfriend’s mom do? She buys me a sewing machine for Christmas 2020. Thankfully, she’s a great teacher and I’m a much better student now than I was when I was 12, so I’m slowly learning my way around this thing! Right now I’m still trying to get the hang of sewing a straight line and getting the tension right when I fill a bobbin, but the eventual goal is to be able to sew not only my own cosplays, but also make or tailor my own clothes. (Especially important for horse show clothes since nothing fits me off the rack.)

Do you take commissions?

That depends on what you consider a commission. I am open to making custom leather items, however those are currently limited to things like pouches, belts, vambraces, and other armor pieces. I may one day be open to commissions such as custom orders for full suits of armor, however I currently am not. I don’t plan to offer sewn commissions in any form.